Programme – 30 June 2010 at Happy Computers

Outline programme

1000 – 1030         Coffee and registration

1030 – 1200        Introductions, then Overview of key social media sites with potential relevance for this project:  Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, Posterous, Tumblr…    including Activity (reviewing and reporting back)

1200 – 1300         Lunch

1300 – 1430         Discussion and activity relating to these overall learning objectives:

  1. Choosing the right platform: Understanding how social media-sharing sites can engage with audiences, especially young people.  Why and where to use social networking platforms for best impact.   Using social media to establish an online presence – which may be slightly different to your main website identity.
  2. Managing content: What content to put up – not every single photo – how can you make content as compelling as possible?  Managing conversations and relationships.
  3. Planning and assessment: How will you measure success?    Be aware of the difficulty of objective measurement.

1430 – 1500         Tea break

1500 – 1630        Next steps: surgery workshop in which we review and refine your plans for taking this forward.

1630                       Close


Trainer, Martin Bazley

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